Delightful wallpapers, décor and antiques




Wildmore is a delightful homeware brand born in the Lincolnshire countryside. It is a place to find artfully crafted décor and a selection of curated antique and vintage pieces. We are for those who are passionate about their unique style, beautifully designed décor and sustainable values.
Wildmore is all about spaces looking good and doing good. Investing in quality over quantity is something we could all do more of for the sake of our planet. You don’t need to compromise when steeping your space in style and personality. In fact, finding those considered creations will bring your unique space to life.



I studied print design and have worked at some of the most highly regarded British wallpaper brands. My print designs here at Wildmore are often inspired by unusual antique creations. Folk art created from the resources to hand, colours from combinations found in nature and heritage design processes all inspire my Wildmore print illustrations. When I draw for my wallpapers and fabrics, I often draw in repeat. An ancient art that enables me to create a pattern that is perfect for textile design from the start. This way I can harmonise my motifs on the same page much like an artist considering their composition.



The Wildmore studio is nestled in an early red brick Victorian pig shed. When I was little it had a dirt floor and chickens roosting in the bowing rafters. Dreamy right? But after extensive renovations, it is now an eclectic space where I do all of my creating. I am surrounded by some of my odd collections of antique art, vintage textiles and retro lighting. And of course, my eccentric Wildmore wallpaper designs.
Why Wildmore? Wildmore is the ancient name of our rural Parish. A name that has become a little lost given that everyone passing through is rightly distracted by our tiny village being called ‘New York’. Nonetheless, Wildmore is where I grew up on our smallholding. The name almost sings of ancient arable life. Where tranquil moments in nature meet hard graft and making your own way in life.


Wildmore is my little corner of the world. My brand is born from a desire to create unique décor inspired by my life here. I aspire to share my designs through the homes of creative individuals. Those who want to curate their own corner of the world in an eclectic and unique way.
Everyone, every space and every imagination is unique. For those of you loving Wildmore I hope you consider us to be an exciting and eclectic lookbook of delightfully designed pieces.


Lauren Veasey x

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